“I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over
man: she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was
not deceived, but the woman was deceived, and became a transgressor.” (I Tim 2:11-14)
Naming Adam
“She desires herself alone, fulfills her desire
becomes pregnant from that desire.”
Eve, Kim Chernin
Some say she was pulled from his rib
golden in the leaves of paradise
or rose from the spermy sea on a shell
foam on the salt waves.
But the first woman entered like lightning
from the wet red cave
a sea of milk in her breasts
rich menstrual blood in her womb.
She took of her blood
mixed it with clay, then swallowed it,
dancing, churned the moonblood
in her belly to a child.
From the cleft of light, the sacred
opening, the first man was born.
She licked her blood from the clay-wet form
breathed life into his mouth.
He called her Eve, because she was the mother
of all living beings.
She named him Adam, for the red earth
from which he was made.
(published, Poetry Canada, 1990)
1 comment:
Wow! Powerful imagery of female energy.
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