Tao Te Ching #14
Look, and it can't be seen.
Listen, and it can't be heard.
Reach, and it can't be grasped.
Above, it isn't bright.
Below, it isn't dark.
Seamless, unnameable,
it returns to the realm of nothing.
Form that includes all forms,
image without an image,
subtle, beyond all conception.
Approach it and there is no beginning;
follow it and there is no end.
You can't know it, but you can be it,
at ease in your own life.
Just realize where you come from:
this is the essence of wisdom.
If we consider the source of our wisdom as the source of being, wow, that opens up all the stops.
It may mean slowing down and breathing into your center.
It may mean, accepting and flowing with the life force inside your body.
It may mean temporarily letting go of control :)
It may mean finding your voice.
It may mean speaking from authentic experience.
It may mean you are a wise woman, before you get old.
be close to your wisdom today,
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