Monday, January 6, 2014

It’s Dawning on Me

If we do everything else but that one thing, we will be lost. And if we do
nothing else but that one thing, we will have lived a glorious life. Rumi

In my solitary quest
for a silent Sunday morning
free of phones and idle chatter
and hungry for connection,
I watch the hazy sky at dawn.
Then seek the bronze/gold sun
of the inner sunrise,
under the rich cashmere shawl
of breath.

Where thoughts are thrown back
into the lake like fish
too small to keep.
I am after bigger fish,
the One Voice that purrs
and picks me up, kitten
in its mouth.

Held by the wide Mothercomfort,
awe in the face of such deep
nourishment, a seed
reawakens-- the passion
for living inside-out.